คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม Faculty Of Engineering Mahasarakham University

Practical Engineering Program

Program title: Bachelor of Practical Engineering (Continuing Program)

 Degree offers : Practical Engineering (Continuing Program)        : B.Eng. (Practical Engineering)          


Develop graduates that has ability to:

  1. have high practical knowledge and skills about new, updated technologies and essential aspects required for their professional
  2. Being able to analyze and apply practical skills for serving the needs of societies and communities.
  3. Have good moral and ethics in life and profession


According to the policy of “Thailand 4.0” proposed by Royal Thai Government, Thai universities have to develop the curricula that comply to the policy. The key development for the curricula is therefore to develop and pro human resources to have excellency in new knowledge, modern innovation and reliable technologies. This development should be continuously implemented in order to serve the core economical and industrial sectors, as well as, societies and communities at the same time. In summary, to create the following changes:

  1. Change from the traditional farming to the smart farming. Farmers become the high income entrepreneurs.
  2. Change from the traditional SMEs to the smart enterprises or high potential startup enterprises.
  3. Change from the traditional services into high value services.
  4. Change from low skill labors into high skill or professional labors.

These changes require the universities to supports and thus Mahasarakham University, Faculty of Engineering, becomes one of those. To comply the policy and changes, the bachelor degree of Practical Engineering (Continuing Program) has been introduced.                                                                           

The bachelor degree of Practical Engineering (Continuing Program) therefore has the main goals to develop high engineering skills that required for practical implementation to serve the specific purposes of the relevant enterprises both local and global. The graduates should have basic 21st century skills as well as basic research skills at the same time (high skills of problem identification, analysis, project synthesis, application, control, evaluation and sustainable management) 


 Develop graduates that are excellent in both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills; being able to systematically analyze and synthesis, as well as applying those knowledge and skills into suitable practical implementation.


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Faculty of Engineering Mahasarakham University

Kham Riang Subdistrict, Kantharawichai District
Maha Sarakham Province Postal Code 44150

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