Manufacturing Engineering Program
Program title: Bachelor of Engineering Program in Manufacturing Engineering
Degree offers : Bachelor of Engineering (Manufacturing Engineering) : B.Eng. (Manufacturing Engineering)
- To produce graduates who are knowledgeable and competent to work in their manufacturing engineering professions.
- To produce engineers who are skillful and well-prepared to pursue and develop advanced technologies.
- To produce engineers in manufacturing engineering who are creative and motivated.
- To produce manufacturing engineers with ethical responsibilities.
ACADEMIC SYSTEM The academic year of Mahasarakham University is divided into two 16-week semesters. The first semester starts from June to October. The second semester starts from November to March. Also, the Summer semester is optionally offered with the minimum duration of six weeks during the months of March and May.
To be eligible for admission, an applicant must satisfy the following requirements:
- He or She must hold a Mathayom Suksa 6 certificate of high school or other equivalent forwhich the University recognizes.
- He or She must have passed the competitive entrance examination held by the UniversityEntrance Examination Board, orHe or She must have passed the special admission qualifications set by Mahasarakham University.
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Thai Society of Mechanical Engineers
Electrical Engineering Academic Association (Thailand)
Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand
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Faculty of Engineering Mahasarakham University
Kham Riang Subdistrict, Kantharawichai District
Maha Sarakham Province Postal Code 44150
Telephone : 043-029665
- Press 1 Secretary office
- Press 2 Undergraduate office
- Press 3 Postgraduate office
- Press 4 Alumni
- Press 5 Head officer of academic and student development
- Press 0 Secretary officer
Fax : 043-754316
E-mail : [email protected]
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